Musings on A Proud Papa

Last week we stopped for the night in the town of Los Banos, California. There, we met David at the motel where we stayed. David is originally from India and owns the hotel. What was interesting about David was the absolute shining pride the man takes in his children.
We really only meant to eat quickly and then travel on our way when we wandered into the motel lobby for the complimentary breakfast. David greeted us warmly, his eyes lighting up when he saw our children. He told us about his own two children and about how proud he is of them. We listened to stories about his children and how he took a personal interest in their education; how they would come home from school and do homework together. Father would teach children and children would teach father. For David, an education was not only the most important thing he could give his kids, but it was a great joy to learn along with them. He instilled this love of learning into his kids in a loving, joyful way that must give their lives a whole rainbow of possibilities.
When I think of how unenthusiastic my kids and I are about their homework, I have to compare it to this lively man who taped the times tables to his dining room walls. Not only has he given his children a gift, but inspired me to do better, too.
Thank you, David.

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